About Us

When you shop Wild Ruffle, your dollars mean more. That's because you are not only supporting our handmade artisans, our employees and their families, but also the many charitable organizations to which we contribute as a company.

And now we've brought you The Woven Cloth - a clothing line made right here in our shop, with a dream to support and hire women who are looking for a fresh start and new beginnings after life's choices have gotten them down. While these women can often find it difficult to find employment, a portion of every dollar you spend with Wild Ruffle will go toward providing stability and a chance for them to begin again. 

Wild Ruffle owners Tammy Hiveley and Cate Mezyk both have a passion for fashion. With over twenty years experience in the industry each, they've used what they've learned to curate a mix of affordable and on trend items for their community of customers.

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